Air Conditioning Maintenance Checklist

Did you know even experienced surgeons and pilots use checklists when they work?

This is to ensure that these professionals don’t miss anything. It’s a requirement to perform their work well. The same thing applies with the maintenance of air conditioning systems.

No matter how common or how simple air conditioners look like, they could have some moving and electrical parts only the experts can fathom. They have undergone a lot of training before they got out into the field. They also encountered various AC-related problems in different residential and commercial establishments.

How AC professionals do it

In addition, they also use a Maintenance Checklist (whether they’ve memorised it or they have a reference in hand). This way, they will be leaving the air conditioners working at their top condition. Here’s a partial list they usually refer to:

  • Check and tighten electrical connections
  • Lubricate moving parts
  • Check the system controls
  • Clean coils and blower components

It’s a simple list but they require a lot of training before professionals can do them. They can also perform additional procedures depending on the present state of the air conditioners.

For example, they can also inspect, clean, and replace air filters. This should be done regularly so you save on energy costs. You also make the whole system last longer.

What can you do yourself to make your AC running efficiently?

You should put it on your calendar when to replace the air filters. Every 12 months, these air filters should be replaced. The professionals who installed them can also remind you after 12 months for the maintenance.

These professionals use detailed checklists (and have undergone extensive training) so they’ll be able to inspect and troubleshoot the problems. They also work quickly and efficiently so you can easily resume with your activities whether at home or at the office.

In addition, you can also check the FAQs so you’ll learn more about AC maintenance services. You can also contact us now by calling 02 9708 5889 if you have any questions about air conditioning maintenance or if you suspect your AC unit is having some problems.