Is there any feeling quite so sweet as stepping from the oppressive summer heat into a perfectly air conditioned home? Whether you own or rent a property don’t miss out on the rejuvenating journey into a crisp, cool home. If you’ve never heard of split system air conditioners, now may be the time to consider purchasing one.
What Is A Split System Air Conditioner?
Split system air conditioners operate on two main components; an outdoor compressor, and an indoor air management unit. Both of these units are connected by a small amount of cabling and tubing, and virtually no duct work. This makes them compact, easy to install, and simple to use, especially in comparison to large central air systems. All you need to worry about is a small hole in the wall for tubing, compared to the large, often insecure knock outs left by larger units.
What Are The Benefits?
Split system air conditioners aren’t nearly as complicated as your ordinary central air system. Central and forced air systems are not known for their efficiency, with more than 30% of energy consumption lost by running your deliciously cold air through various ducts. Instead, a split system air conditioning service pushes air straight from the outdoor unit to your indoor unit, saving both time and energy in the process. Add to this their compact size and versatility, split system air conditioners are often the smartest choice, especially when a window unit simply won’t do the job. As an added bonus, split system air conditioners can be placed in nearly any home, whether rented or owned, large or small. They’re great for apartments, classrooms, small offices, or any other location where a window or central unit isn’t workable.
Don’t Just Sign Up For Our Product, Choose Our Service
At Conduct Air Conditioning, we pride ourselves in providing not only the highest quality, direct from the manufacturer products, but on our top quality split system installation and air conditioning service as well. Our priority is providing you with the best air conditioning service possible, so we’ll gladly fix it even if it isn’t our product! If you’re looking for a company that provides top tier split system installation and the best air conditioners around, then give us a call, or check out our specials to see how we can save you money and time.