You dust the entire home like a pro, but the dust keeps coming back so fast, and you are just left to wonder why this always seems to be the case. Dust build-up is caused by a number of reasons. But if you have ditched the heavy draperies and carpets and already got rid of the dirty filters of your vacuum, there’s only one culprit behind your dust problem: leaky air ducts.
In a previous blog, we discussed how important it is to check your home for air leaks as it causes your home to waste energy and money. In this post, we will focus on leaky air ducts and how it causes dust problems and a whole lot of other issues, too.
Dust Not Good
Leaky air ducts are a common cause of dust build-up at home. Most homeowners, however, are not aware of this. When your duct has leaks or holes, dirt, dust,debris, mold spores and other nasty contaminants gets into the system.
When your system is full of dust, your HVAC will blow these out of different vents inside your home. Furthermore, too much dust quickly clogs the air filter. Both of these problems create poor indoor air quality, and the health effects range from simple eye and throat irritation to serious respiratory diseases.
Other than indoor air quality problems and health risks, dust in your HVAC system also causes frequent breakdowns, leading to costly repairs.
The Duct Says Quack
There are telltale signs that your duct has leaks and is calling out for help. For instance, you may notice that the air filter gets filthy more quickly than usual. Changing air filters more often could be a sign of leaky air ducts. You may also experience uncomfortable temperatures inside the house. You will notice that some rooms are warmer in the summer and cooler in winter. This may also indicate leaky air ducts.
Dust in the ducts compromises air quality. Contact HVAC specialists to know exactly if you have leaky air ducts. Conduct Air Conditioning will be more than happy to help. Contact us for all your AC repair and maintenance needs.