Let’s face it: air conditioners need to be replaced sooner or later. Like every appliance, they eventually have to give in. If you think your air conditioning unit is finally ready to retire, watch out for these signs:
1. It’s Not Cooling Anymore
The most important job of an air conditioner is to keep your space cool. If it can no longer do that, it could be time to toss it out. While minor breakdowns and problems can cause this, if it just can’t get the temperature to comfortable levels like it used to, the unit could be beyond saving.
2. Bills are Murder on the Purse
Old air conditioners use up more electricity to cool a room. If your bills have gone up without any changes to your usage, it could be time to replace your unit. Fortunately, most air conditioning units from Conduct Air Conditioning are equipped with the latest energy-saving features. This means you cancel out the cost with the money you’ll save on your bills.
3. Your Unit is a Decade Old
For non-commercial air conditioning units, ten years is considered a good length of service. The age of your unit should, therefore, weigh in on your decision to replace your air conditioner. Remember, however, that commercial units could last much longer. Just contact your air conditioner specialist.
4. Your Home is Different
Australians love renovating their home. Adding a new room could tax your air conditioner’s capabilities, though, and it might not have enough power to cool the larger space. You risk overworking your unit. This is never a good idea. If this is the case, then an upgrade would be essential to keep your home evenly cooled.
Conduct Air Conditioning is an expert installer and repair services provider for both residential and commercial clients. The machines we offer come from trusted makers like Samsung, Daiking, Fujitsu and LG — all trusted names for both homes and offices in Australia. For your air conditioning needs, why not give us a call?